River otters, Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, beavers, Bald Eagles, Magpies, and Brown Trout in the Flaming Gorge National Recreation area.
The social Mule deer is most often seen in herds. They are named for their very large (mule like) ears. Their tale is black tipped and is a distinguishing feature of this deer species. Mule deer are found in every habitat - urban areas, fields, meadows and forests. When frightened, they have a distinctive 4 legged hop or trot to safety.
Season for Viewing Summer: dawn & dusk, frequently crossing roads at night. Winter: out during daytime hours. Present year-round
Best Areas to View Mule Deer may be seen at dusk from the streets of Manila & Dutch John, throughout the mountains, plains and meadows of Flaming Gorge
Fast Facts Odocoileus hemious, large hoofed mammal, 125-300 pounds - trophy bucks can weigh up to 500 pounds!