River otters, Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, beavers, Bald Eagles, Magpies, and Brown Trout in the Flaming Gorge National Recreation area.
From Vernal, head north 18 miles along US 191 and turn left (west) onto the Red Cloud Loop (FS 018). Park in the gravel parking area here. The trailhead is signed and the route follows bike trail signs. Following the route counterclockwise, head northwest up paved East Park Road for 9.5 miles to the East Park Campground turnoff. Water may be available at the campground in summer. The road changes to gravel and rolls west for 10 miles across several drainages to the Trout Creek guard station. Be aware of logging trucks in this area. Turn left at the guard station, following the bike signs back to US 191. After 7 miles the route crosses Big Brush Creek and continues for 4 miles through aspen groves, stands of lodge pole pine and sagebrush back to the highway and your vehicle.